(A short) Review of the first Magento Unconference 2015 #MageUC15



This is the first time, that I am writing a blog post about an event, for which I was (a little bit) myself responsible as a part of the orga-team… (at this point: smacksmack to everyone of them). So everything I found out, that can be done better is equal to a to-do list. And every time I found out, that something worked great, a tick is made on this list. It’s about the first Magento Unconference.

The feedback was great and the response in the feedback-questionnaire was very positiv – but I think, that the main reason for this circumstance are the people who have been there. Because they took an active role and they wanted this event to be like it was. (at this point: thanks to the one, who brought the sun and the warm air in, I didn’t found out the name of the noble donor, but maybe it was because of the world womans day…).

 I took more than one hundred thousand nine hundred ninety-nine impressions with me – and I will share a few of them…

Thursday we met the first time to check and prepare the venue. (at this point: never underestimate chairs. This is an advice for life!)


And I found out, that there are two things, that you can’t do with shirts:
1) automatically sort alphabetically
2) cut and paste them from one table (left side) to another (right side).


Because of all this (and because of intensive tests, that the airhockey-table works well), we arrived too late at the pre-party.


And because of the pre-party other people (especially some guys from one company) arrived late at the UnConference next day…

How an Unconference works:

1) Someone explains, how it works.


2) Find topics and also someone who speaks about it and then write it down (it’s not that desperate that it looks like, when you look at Fabian)


3) Vote for your favorite topic with a „Klebchen“.


4) Count the number of votes (at this point: thanks to @fschmengler for rounding that sum…)


5) Create a timetable (and learn how to clone Vinai until next year)


6) Hear, say, write or learn something new in a session


7) Go to toilet (if you are near by, use the chance…)


8) (Wash your hands)

(Broken image) I made no picture of this very important step!

9) Eat something (and stay in a queue)


10) Play something


11) Play a little bit more and start waiting for the party… (and become hungry, and tired, and forget where the drinks are placed and so on…)


12) Enjoy the party (at this point: say: „HI Clemens!“)



13) Clean up


14) Go home (or to Motel one)


15) GOTO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 (and learn how to make panoramas)



16) Don’t forgot to say big thanks to friends, helpers and sponsors




And then: start again… planning…

Plan 1)
Next time I will be a moderator together with @joeadomeit (if he wants) about „I have nothing to say“ to collect all the attendees, which do not have any idea of an own topic or the courage or the English vocabulary to be a speaker like me. (äh. Don’t misunderstand: not like-me like me-the-speaker, like-me like me-the-no-idea/courage/vocabulary-girl.).

Plan 2)
Next time I will never be persuaded to fill up beer in apple juice bottles.

Plan 3)
Next time, I will find someone, who plays air-hockey not as good as me (and at this point: rent more of them…).

But these points are my personal points. It was a really great pleasure to be a part of the orga-team and I want to shout out loud „THANKS“ for asking me! So – there are much more list points, that we collect to do better next time (it’s not a short list, but I think, thats okay…), but this will be pointed at another time, at another board…

(now you can hear the sound of gradual decreasing typing noise)…

At this point: see you next year?

P.S. Ich teste mal was:


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